Words like childlessness and infertility no longer bother people, as IVF has completely changed the landscape of fertility treatment. IVF treatment has been a blessing for thousands of couples struggling with infertility and childlessness. Over time, this treatment has made the dreams of people come true, for which people waited for decades or which seemed impossible. If you are struggling with infertility, then you should get treatment from the Best Fertility Clinic in Gurgaon.
When couples are asked by an IVF centre how many years they have been trying to have a child, many answer 7 years, 10 years, 12 years, and 18 years. After such a wait, having a child not only brings happiness but also works to instil hope in people. However, one thing we all are aware of is that everything has its advantages and disadvantages. In the same way, we are all aware of the benefits of IVF, but there are also some side effects that we never talked about.
In this article, we’ll learn about IVF and its possible side effects
What is IVF
IVF comes under ART and, is a fertility treatment option. The IVF treatment process is done through step by step. Ovarian stimulation – In this, with the help of fertility drugs, the ovaries produce more eggs. Egg retrieval – Once the egg is matured, it’s taken out of the ovary. Sperm collection – Now because the embryo has to be prepared in the lab, the sperm is stored along with the eggs. Preparing the embryo – After collecting sperm and eggs, the embryo is prepared in the lab by fertilization.
Embryo transfer – After the embryo is prepared, now the time is to transfer the embryo to the uterus. Within a few days of transfer, the embryo implants itself in the uterine wall and makes pregnancy possible. This whole process is known as IVF treatment, and sometimes the process also depends on the condition of the patient. Let us tell you that age, proper weight and infertility are important factors for the success of IVF. Just completing the IVF process does not mean success.
Some common side effects of IVF
Not everyone has to face the side effects of IVF. In some cases, people achieve success in IVF with fewer complications, and they have not faced any major problems.
Ovarian Hyperstimulation Syndrome (OHSS) – One of the side effects of IVF is OHSS. When fertility drugs are recommended to stimulate your ovaries. And you take this drug…thinking that’ll be helpful in pregnancy. But these drugs have a side effect due to which you face the problem of OHSS. Due to OHSS, you can have problems ranging from common to serious. Its common symptoms are – bloating, pain or discomfort, vomiting, rapid weight gain and difficulty in breathing. Serious symptoms are – blood clots and kidney failure.
Problems at the injection site – During IVF treatment, a patient is given about 100 injections, and these injections are done to control hormones or increase the amount of hormones. In such a situation, many times people complain of pain or bruising at the injection site, redness or swelling and allergic reactions. However, most of these problems are very common, and problems like allergies are seen in very rare cases.
If you also want to get the problem of infertility treated, then IVF cost in Gurgaon will be suitable for you.
Ectopic pregnancy – Ectopic pregnancy means that the embryo does not implant in the uterus but gets implanted in the fallopian tube. In simple words, after embryo transfer, it is expected that the embryo will implant in the uterine wall, but the embryo gets implanted outside the uterus, usually in the fallopian tube. This is called ectopic pregnancy. If this happens, you should contact your doctor immediately, as it seriously affects your health.
Multiple pregnancy – This is one of the most common problems in IVF treatment, and it happens only due to the implantation of more than one embryo. If the case is twins then it is fine, but in case of more than two pregnancies, there can be serious problems. In such a situation, there can be problems for both the mother and the child. Due to multiple pregnancies, you may face the following problems. Premature birth, low weight during birth and preeclampsia.
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There is no doubt that IVF is a boon for couples who are struggling with conditions like infertility and childlessness. But we also have to understand that IVF also has potential side effects, which if not treated on time can cause serious problems. Some of these side effects can be dangerous for both the mother and the child, such as – multiple pregnancies. However, some problems among these do not bother you much, such as – problems at the injection site. If you are struggling with infertility, then you should get treatment from the Best IVF Centre in Gurgaon.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
1. What are the potential side effects of IVF?
Answer: There are many potential side effects of IVF, and some are problematic for both mother and baby. And some are quite common. The potential side effects are:
- Ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome,
- Injection site problems,
- Ectopic pregnancy and
- Multiple pregnancies.
2. What are the side effects of IVF on babies?
Answer: Your babies are more likely to be born with low birth weight, and have an increased risk of developing life-threatening complications such as neonatal respiratory distress syndrome (NRDS) or long-term disabilities such as cerebral palsy.
3. Does IVF cause problems later in life?
Answer: There is no concrete evidence that IVF causes any problems in your life, but if you look at it as just a treatment. If you live in the fear that you will cause some problems, then this negative thinking will affect you.
4. Are babies born through IVF equally healthy?
Answer: Look, there is no doubt that babies born through IVF are just like normal babies. But in some rare cases, babies are born with low birth weight or some incurable disease.
5. Is IVF safe for mothers?
Answer: IVF treatment is a medical procedure which is done by experienced and expert doctors. So IVF is safe for mothers, but IVF is a complicated procedure in which you need to be mentally and physically strong.